The island Grenada is willing to offer a number of Vincentian’s a place stay if evacuation becomes necessary.
St Vincent and the Grenadines is facing much uncertainty as to what will unfold in the days ahead, as the La Soufriere volcano is currently in an effusive state.
Prime Minister, Dr Keith Mitchell who attended an emergency meeting today , pledged Grenada’s willingness, in collaboration with St. George’s University, to make available up to 2,000 beds on the campus, should an eruption of the volcano create the need for Vincentians to evacuate.
The Prime Minister has also indicated that Grenada will offer any other support that it can, within its limited means, to assist the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
An Aerial reconnaissance conducted on Wednesday, December 30 indicates that there are no significant changes at the La Soufriere Volcano since Tuesday, December 29, 2020.
Magma continues to ooze to the surface and the dome has increased in size.
Persons living in areas close to the volcano which include communities from Fancy to Georgetown and Belle Isle to Richmond are asked to remain alert and listen to all advisories from the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO).
The National Emergency Management Organisation is once again reminding the public that no evacuation order or notice has been given.
A group of Scientists from the Seismic Research Centre, University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus led by Vincentian Professor Richard Robertson will arrived in St. Vincent and the Grenadines on Thursday .
The Scientists will install instruments to strengthen the monitoring mechanism System, so that more accurate and timelier scientific advisory on the activities at the La Soufriere ‘Volcano can be provided.