Lennox Bowman, the man affectionately known as “Mr Christmas” in a Facebook post said, this is the 29th year of producing Christmas songs.
Bowman says the aim of doing such over the years is to ensure that there is a catalogue of Vincy christmas music for future generations.
“We have now penned over 50 christmas songs for members of our family as well as some other amazing artistes.”
Bowman says this could not have been done without the encouragement of many persons including some gifted musicians and producers.
“Special thanks must go to all radio/media personnel and other DJs as well as our main producers ,Godfrey Cherry Godfrey Ince, Kamall Archibald and Adrian Bailey” .
Bowman in his post expressed gratitude to everyone who continues to share the vision of promoting the National christmas and Nine morning festival as the best christmas festival in the world.
Bowman released New music on Thursday 15th November 2018, called Request For Santa