Air Canada Rogue flight 1868 which should have arrived in SVG at about 4 pm on Sunday 6th January had to be diverted back to Toronto this morning.
According to flight information, the Airbus 319 which departed Pearson at 10.02 spent some 2hrs in flight, then made a U-turn just off Long Island, New York, and headed back to Pearson.
The reason for the diversion of the flight was not given, however, it was confirmed that the flight went back to the origin of departure, some 2hrs after take off.
Air Canada operates two flight into St Vincent on Thursday’s and Sundays out of Pearson International in Toronto, Canada.
The Flight eventually left Toronto at 4.30pm and will arrive around 10.29 tonight, with a scheduled departure from AIA sometime around 11 pm on Sunday 6th January 2019.