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In the current climate of SVG, it is undeniable that it is time for a change. Most people out there whether they are an NDP voter or a person who just can’t find themselves voting for the NDP, they all make the same argument that “the government in power is only for themselves” and “it’s time for a change.”
When you ask these unsure people “ok will you vote for the NDP? Some will give you personal reasons or irrelevant excuses for the ULP party that has had almost two decades in power! Others will say half-heartedly no or you could see a certain amount of fear in their faces by just mentioning voting for the NDP.
So you may say to these people “ok then you must be aligning yourself with the Green party or the DRP and they all laugh or scoff like those two parties are a running nationwide joke, as if no one actually believes those two parties can ever hold a seat at parliament much less a governing one!
This leads me to believe that there are mainly two types of voters in SVG. There are those who are voting for the NDP and those who are afraid or too confused to vote for the NDP. I am not counting those who won’t vote for the NDP because of personal grudges or political bias because those people are unpatriotic and don’t care for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines or its people’s future as a whole!
Yes! At this point, it can only be unpatriotic to vote for the ULP given the facts. Don’t take
my word for it, just ask your parents or grandparents what this country was like 20 plus years ago? What government programs kept youths off the street? How people and families weren’t so divided and were more friendly? How there wasn’t so much dread of being unemployed?
Or being personally victimized for your God given right to freely choose your party and express your opinions? Not to mention all the bad press about the ULP that has not only circulated in St. Vincent but around the world-allegations of rape, evidence of rigged elections, arrests made for involvement in drug trafficking later passed off as soap powder etc.
On the CIA’S official website they say that “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a SOURCE, transit and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labour and sex”. We all know and have heard of the horror stories from Buccament on the Bay – So many workers who have still yet to be paid, all under the watch of the ULP. We all know what Buccament at this point, has gotten away with. Now they are trying to blind us again with another hotel. Is it going to be a repeat of Buccament? Or are they going to allow Vincentians to be treated worse for whatever reason?
There have been to many failed projects, purposely disposed of programs, and nowhere near enough accountability to allow Ralph Gonsalves and his party to get back into the driver’s seat of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Their job was to make life and cost of living in St Vincent and the Grenadines better for all of us. They were suppose to be our protectors, role models and most importantly our leaders with the country’s best interests at heart but instead, all we have gotten is a failing airport that cost us way more than we could afford and has not seen the receipts; a general hospital in our capital that is in an unspeakable state, police stations in dire need of repair, national banks being destroyed due shady government borrowing, moronic plans to borrow money from an institution to pay back a loan to the same institution.
The list goes on and on for what? a new roof, a new section added on to a house, a pig? A few dollar bills given once every 5 years? Enough is enough! We must all think about the future taxation our young adults and children will have to face in the next coming years, not to mention the elderly and the status of government pensions.
Any how you take it, election is coming. Your vote is no longer about finishing your house or your roof or having some money (handouts) to get you through the next 3 months.
Your vote will be about all of our futures. Your vote will decide whether your children’s future will have legal jobs that pay enough to not only take care of themselves but their family without them having to find other means of survival.
It is time for Vincentians to stop turning a blind eye. How could you call yourself a true Vincentian and not feel disgusted and disrespected when the ULP at state events would purposely take the yellow out of the flag in their decorations just because it is the color of another party. If that doesn’t show you they consider themselves higher than people and country I don’t know what will.
So all you voters who are fearful or confused out of blind loyalty for the ULP vote your conscience –VOTE THE NDP.
Vincentians have suffered enough “labour pains” from the Labour party. Choose wisely!
Kamal Bacchus-Browne