On Friday, the social media giant Facebook gave News784 its signal that its page is in the process of being disabled. A limit has been placed on how often News784 can publish to its Facebook page in the meantime.
Facebook also noted that NEWS784 was reported as posting “Abusive content.”
News784 would have noted that following the posting of an article on April 27th entitled; “Wild West! Local Senator And Lawyer Involved In Gun Incident”, there was a time lag before posting would have been available; this occurrence has never happened in our five years of operation.
We would have also noted a similar occurrence following the publication of an article on June 10th entitled; “Pre-School On Bequia Closed Due To COVID-19 Outbreak”.
Facebook policy on reporting a personal account and a page is different; unlike personal accounts, there are several warnings and emails from Facebook, especially with media platforms.
In the News784 case, there was none; the abrupt warning to disable led our researchers to discover that a complainant would have to be lodged by either a Large corporation or a Government agency for such to take place swiftly.
Facebook has noted that they would revert to us by Wednesday following legal documents that we had to produce as part of the process in finding a solution.’
In the meantime, we have limited ability to publish to the social media platform.
We will update you on the progress at a later date.