The public is advised that today (Thursday 31′ December. 2020), the Commissioner of Police, on the recommendation of the Chief Medical Officer and the Health Services Committee, has, with immediate effect banned amplified music in public places and in private places to which the public have access.
This is to ensure that there are no mass gatherings at this time of ongoing local spread of COV1D-19 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
This recommendation is to allow for the required intensive contact tracing, testing and isolation/quarantining needed to contain the evolving cluster of local spread of COV1D-19 cases in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Therefore all mass events scheduled to take place between Thursday 31st December 2020 and Sunday December 3rd 2021 will be postponed to the weekend of Friday, January 8th, 2021 to Sunday January 10th, 2021 in the first instance.
We acknowledge the significant inconvenience, and more, to the promoters and patrons caused by this ban and sincerely apologize for this unavoidable but necessary public health intervention.