One month and three weeks ago, Hurricane Beryl wrecked Union Island’s electricity distribution grid, pole lights in Clifton Union Island have been turned on.
Community leader and educator Mr. Abdon Whyte wrote in a post: “It’s incredible that we finally have electricity running through the city after all the poles were destroyed and the power plant at Vinlec was badly damaged.”
With assistance from local organisations, the state-owned St. Vincent energy Services Limited, or VINLEC, has been attempting to restore the primary and secondary distribution network and deliver energy to the hospital, the Union Island airport, and the Clifton business district.
Following the July 1 category 4 hurricane that damaged or destroyed over 95% of homes, livelihoods, and the electricity distribution infrastructure, the island is gradually recovering.
Canouan, Mayreau, Palm Island, and Petite St. Vincent are among the other Southern Grenadine islands that were affected by the hurricane and are currently recuperating.