After another day of looking for two missing Cuban males who were part of a group of 10 migrants shipwrecked off the coast of Cayman Brac over the weekend, the Cayman Islands Coat Guard, fire crews, police, and border control called it a day Monday night. The CIGC said that after a full day of searching and retrieval, they were unable to locate the missing soldiers.
The migrant vessel overturned somewhere between Friday night and Saturday morning, and the mission had moved to a search and recovery effort based on the known in-water survival rate by Monday, according to the CICG.
The unidentified missing men are among several Cuban migrants who have died in and around Cayman waters over the years, and are part of an endless stream of migrants from the neighboring island who risk their lives in makeshift vessels, usually attempting to reach the United States.
In this case, eight of the guys on board the ship were rescued and are being treated at Faith Hospital in Cayman Brac, as several of them were critically dehydrated by the time they were rescued. Local boats were crucial in assisting with the rescue attempts. Three of the guys were recovered clinging to wreckage 30 miles north of the Brac by Leanna Jackson and Evol Miller, who were on jet skis.