Economic Affairs has received a share of 50.0 percent of the capital budget. 2023. This investment programme, which is estimated at $235.9 million, is intended to provide the basis to stimulate growth in the main productive sectors of the economy.
The sector accounts for the largest share of the 2023 capital budget. Projects financed under Economic affairs include major infrastructure developments such as roads, bridges, hotels, airports and seaport infrastructure.
The productive sectors of Tourism and Agriculture are also included under this heading of Economic Affairs.
Below are some of the larger projects included in this functional area:
Port Redevelopment Project $89.3 m
Construction of Secondary, Village & Feeder Roads $7.9 m
Diamond Hotel Project $12.6 m
Wynne Hotel Project $20.7 m
Agricultural Modernization and Development $3.0 m
Arrowroot Industry Revitalization $3.6 m
Volcano Eruption Emergency Project (VEEP) $20.9m
Caribbean Digital Transformation Programme $14.6m
Retrofitting of Building – IRD & FSA $1.8 m
Solidarity Fishing Fleet Enhancement $4.4 m
Barrouallie Black Fish Facility $4.3 m
National Road Rehabilitation Project $27.0 m
11thEDF Feeder Road Program $2.0 m
Rehabilitation of Little Tokyo $3.0 m
Grenadine Airport Rehabilitation project $2.0 m
F.Mitchell Apron & Runway Rehabilitation $2.0 m
AIA Pavement Rehabilitation $4.0 m
Improvement to Arnos Vale Sporting Complex $3.0 m