Evacuees from the orange zone who are currently residing in shelters will start returning to their homes on Tuesday, May 25th. This is according to Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, who made the statement while speaking on WEFM’s “Wake Up” morning program.
“For persons from the orange zone, other than those in Fitz Hughes and Chateaubelair, the time for you to be able to leave the shelters Tuesday 25th of this month, that’s next week Tuesday.” He said.
Prime Minister Gonsalves went on to discuss why it has not yet been advised for residents of Fitz Hughes and Chateaubelair to return to their homes at this time.
“In relation to Fitz Hughes and Chateaubelair announcements will be made later because they have a lot of ash there,” Gonsalves said.
He made note of the current status of the section of the red zone from Mt. Young to the Rabacca Bridge.
“From Mt. Young bridge/Mt. Young river go right up to Rabacca, that part of the red zone; we give another week for you to go up and do some cleaning and for the state to do some cleaning also, some further cleaning, because substantially in Georgetown, Mt. Bentick and the like, it’s clean, I was up in Georgetown. Of course, there’s still cleaning to be done, the hospital, the modern medical and the like are not completed but in another week persons should be able to go back, that is to say, June 1st.” The Prime Minister said.