(Press Release) – Kimya Glasgow Designs was invited by Caribbean Export to participate in the International Fashion Festival 2018 held from October 25th-28th in Barbados.
The event was co-hosted by the prestigious Liberty Fairs of New York, in conjunction with Barbados Investment and Development Corporation, Caribbean Export and the Caribbean Market Center.
During the event, designers exhibited pieces at the Queens Park Gallery, highlighting Fashion as an art form, participated in an intensive fashion industry workshop lead by a panel of 8 Industry leaders from New York.
After the showing, Ms. Glasgow was selected as one of 2 designers with international potential to be given a private consultation with the international consultants to discuss funding, marketing and manufacturing solutions and possible projects that could be beneficial to St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the long term as a fashion and tourism destination.
As a result of this initiative, Ms. Glasgow is currently in talks with 2 boutique buyers in Barbados.
Ms. Glasgow said “This was a great opportunity for my brand and by extension St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The Vincentian fashion industry must embrace export in order to be sustainable.
Fashion is an employer of persons at all skill levels and includes not just garment construction or art but marketing, IT, finance, and so much more.