A vicious battle has erupted in the parliament of SVG over a private members motion brought by the leader of the opposition on Electoral Reform.
Standing on the rules of the house the speaker allowed the Prime Minister to go ahead with an amended motion on electoral reform.
Opposition MP St Clair Leacock said the day would come when they can’t even come in here and debate anything, and urged the speaker to rule sensibly.
In parliamentary procedure, the motion to amend is used to modify another motion. An amendment could itself be amended. A related procedure is filling blanks in a motion.
Using Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR), all main motions can be amended.[1]An amendment can be amended.[2] However, the limit is that an amendment to an amendment may not be amended, because it would be too complicated.[2]
Secondary motions that, by their nature, include a variable element, also may be amended.[1] For example, the motion to postpone may be amended as to the length of the postponement; the motion to limit or extend limits of debate may be amended as to the number or length of speeches or the total time to be consumed; and the motion to commit or refer may be amended as to the details of the committee or the time within which the committee must report.
Forms and uses of the motion Edit
The motion to amend takes three basic forms:[3]
Inserting or adding words or paragraphs.Striking out words or paragraphs.Striking out words and inserting or adding others, or substituting an entire paragraph or complete resolution for another.
A substitute amendment is an amendment that would replace existing language of a proposal or another amendment with its own.[4]
An amendment can be used to water down a motion into a form that is more likely to be accepted or to convert it into a form that is more likely to be rejected.[5]
Procedure Edit
A proposed amendment is treated like many other motions in that it could be debated and voted on.
This could be done even in the case of a friendly amendment.
[6] An amendment could pass with a majority vote, regardless of the vote required to pass the main motion.
[7]After passing or rejecting an amendment, the main motion would still need to be voted on.