Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said Government did not employ anyone working in Canouan, and he does not know of anyone being laid off from ongoing work on the island.
This was told to Dwight “Bing Joseph on Boom FM, Last Friday 14th September 2018.
“The point am making to you is, we are a minority shareholder in Canouan developments, the question of anyone being laid off I don’t know, am also telling you what Mr Desmond said to me when I returned home two weeks ago that no one is being fired”.
“And I will say to you further if there is anyone being laid off I would be very disappointed in that, because that is something am expected to be told about”.
Gonsalves said in all this a lot of egos are wrapped up by all sorts of persons.
“I don’t want to see workers or children being used as pawns and am speaking in a balanced manner on this”, he said.
Gonsalves said when persons ask him to intervene he is surprised because he has been seeking a solution from day one.
He further told Joseph that he does not have to go to Canouan to deal with the matter.
He told Joseph on the matter of a town hall with the people, that such is not a solution, but that the solution relies on either the court decision or persons voluntary leaving the premises and go the area where Mr Desmond has provided for them.
Gonsalves said that while he is the Prime Minister of St Vincent he cannot tell private owners of developments what to do.
“The government has about 12 per cent in Palm island resorts, you think I can tell the owners if they want to lay off workers not to do it, I can persuade, but there is a process for those things”.
I am not going to get involved in any speculations about laying off workers when it comes to Canouan.