Moisture levels are expected to increase overnight, with a northward shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Occasionally cloudy skies, with moderate-heavy showers and thunderstorm activity are likely across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) during Sunday.
Residents and motorists in areas prone to flooding and landslides or near rivers and streams should exercise caution…Unstable conditions could linger across SVG during Monday and decrease by Tuesday, with a few showers and isolated thunderstorms.
Saharan dust concentrations are clearing across our area, to allow fair visibility (except during showers) during Sunday and Monday. A film/slight-haze may be noticeable during Tuesday.
Gentle-moderate (15 – 25km/h) breeze could occasionally increase (~30km/h) near showers during Sunday, with directions varying widely from easterly to south-westerly in some locations. Wind directions are likely to turn south-easterly across our islands during Monday and north-easterly by Monday night…Be Alert!
Sea conditions are slight to moderate in open water, occasionally appearing smooth with swells near 0.5m west of our islands and ranging 1.0m – 1.5m east of our islands.