Bulletin # 3 La Soufriere Volcano
A three-person team from The University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus (UWI-SRC) arrived in St. Vincent on Thursday morning on board the Regional Security System (RSS) aircraft to provide scientific support for the ongoing eruption at La Soufriere volcano.
They are Geologist Prof. Richard Robertson, Instrumentation Engineer Lloyd Lynch and Engineering Technician Ian lumen.
Two Aerial reconnaissance were done on Thursday. The first was done by the group of scientists on board the Regional Security System (RSS) aircraft while en route to St. Vincent and the Grenadines for a first- hand view of activities at the La Soufriere Volcano before landing at the Argyle International Airport (AIA).
However, heavy cloud cover prevented them from getting a good view of the crater.
The second Aerial reconnaissance was done at 4:00 p.m. and the photographer was able to capture photos of the crater, which show that the effusive eruption continues and the new dome also continues to increase in size.
The public is reminded that when the magma interacts with the surface temperature, especially at mornings when the air is cool, it appears as steam which may be seen above the crater.
Similar activities may continue for weeks or months.
Alert level remains at Orange. Persons living in areas close to the volcano which include communities from Fancy to Georgetown and Belle Isle to Richmond are asked to remain alert and listen to all advisories from the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO).
The National Emergency Management Organisation is reminding the public that no evacuation order or notice has been issued.
NEMO is also appealing to the public to desist from visiting the La Soufriere Volcano until the scientists advise that it is safe to do so.
NEMO will continue to provide regular updates on all activities taking place at La Soufriere.