While making an address to the nation on Monday, January 18th 2021, this country’s Prime Minister, Dr Hon Ralph Gonsalves said that he believed that making the wearing of masks mandatory would be unwise and counterproductive.
“Some persons clamour for mask-wearing to be made mandatory or compulsory with a penal or criminal sanction. Our Government considers that such an approach at this time to be unwise and counterproductive from the standpoints of preventing covid itself and law enforcement, experience in our country and elsewhere teaches this.
We are of the view that a far better and sensible approach is to persuade the population of the necessity and desirability of wearing masks, social, physical distancing and engaging in regular hand sanitizing.” Gonsalves said.
The Prime Minister said that the majority of persons have already been persuaded and have adopted public health measures. He once again urged everyone to wear masks whenever leaving home.