The National Liberation Movement (NLM) is pleased to introduce itself to you as the true voice for economic, transformative, social and political change built on principles of Meritocracy, Pragmatism, Integrity, Accountability, Transparency and Equity.
It is the philosophy of the NLM that the resources of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) are for all Vincentians. The NLM as a force for positive change would liberate Vincentians from burdensome taxes, and draconian and dictatorial laws that punish its hard working citizens. We will institute a vibrant and workable agricultural sector and raise the minimum wage. The NLM will also ensure that SVG is a force to be reckoned with in manufacturing, fisheries, tourism, education and health, sports, technology, and alternative energy.
The NLM would re-engineer the energy sector and make it more efficient and affordable for all Vincentians as it seeks to build an economy of inclusivity, with the use of technology supported with and by a workable and practical legislative framework. We would institute constitutional change to allow the best talents to come to the fore thereby making a contribution to the development of this land we so love. The NLM would continue to encourage foreign direct investors but will also encourage private-public sector synergies that will contribute to the development of our beloved island.
The NLM is therefore offering itself as the ONLY alternative for change and transformation in SVG. For that reason the NLM will contest the next general elections in SVG. Vincentians! VOTE the NLM for yourself and your children’s future!