Mali, also known as Celeb Boss or Blingzo, is a musical artist in his early twenties who hails from Greiggs and specializes in dancehall, reggae, and reggaeton.
He is a very talented individual, both lyrically and tunefully, and has a great taste in music. However, from the tender age of four, Mali had developed a passion for music, and to be exact, songwriting and freestyling were two of his greatest attributes.
In addition, Mali was mainly influenced by growing up with talented siblings and other family members that loved music. Mali, who is originally from Greiggs, chose to follow his deepest hearts’ deepest desires, his “goals and dreams,” which are to be one of the biggest dancehall and reggaeton artists in the world, rather than becoming a product of his environment.
Growing up, Blingzo faced many challenges, such as financial difficulties and “badmouthing,” as we say colloquially, from peers and gatekeepers of the music industry. A lot of people used to laugh at Blingzo, make fun of him, and mock his musical craft.
Blingzo never gave up on the gifts that God has given him; he pursued his career even when going to high school, maintaining his focus and passion for music at his alma mater, “Saints Joseph Convent Marriaqua.” In SJCM, there were always teachers and a lot of students who believed in Mali’s craft despite the negativity received by others. Mali still managed to perform at school shows, and every little moment he got the opportunity to sing, he did so while banging his chest and beating a drum with him and some of his peers that respected and loved Mali.
Blingzo maintains his desire to pursue his musical career after staying underground for more than a decade and studying the origins of certain genres of music and the contributors that elevated the music he studied.
Blingzo studied the cultural and business aspects of music, so if you know him, you know he does music for the passion, and he doesn’t joke around with his craft. On the other hand, after being so patient and humble for so long, he finally releases a song from his heavy catalog, and that song is entitled “Goals and Dreams.”
The song speaks to talented, determined, and hard-working people who want to make an honest dollar by doing side jobs, hustling, or selling their onions, garlic, fruits, and vegetables. It also speaks to people who want to grow their small businesses by doing what it takes to reach their “goals and dreams.” It can be shown in art in creative ways to show the struggle of everyday life.
Mali wants to help his people improve their lives because being a patriot is very important to him.