Police have arrested and charged Raheem Clifton, an 18yro student of Redemption Sharpes, with the offence of Attempted Murder on a 16 year, old labourer of the same address by allegedly pointing and squeezing the trigger of a gun at him.
(2) For unlawfully attempting to discharge a firearm at the 16-year-old labourer by allegedly squeezing the trigger of the gun”.
(3) For allegedly having in his possession one (1) .38 revolver without a licence issued under the Firearms Act.
(4) For allegedly having in his possession five (5) rounds of .38 ammunition without a licence issued under the Firearm Act at Grenville Street, Kingstown about 6:30pm on 24.11.18.
Clifton is expected to appear before the Serious Offences Court to answer to the charges.