The police are investigating a shooting incident, which occurred in the vicinity of Bragsa, Bottom Town, Kingstown involving Darren Davy aka Precious, a 19 year old Labourer of Pole Yard on 08.05.19.
According to investigations, about 01:35 a.m. on 08.05.19, Davy was shot to the left side of this face by some unknown assailant(s) and was rushed to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital where he subsequently succumbed to his injuries.
The Police are advising anyone with vital information that will aid with the investigation and the prosecution of the offender(s) in this case, to divulge same to the Assistant Commissioner in charge Crimes at 1784-456-1339, the Officer in charge of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at 1784-456-1810 or through any other police outlet they are comfortable with.
A postmortem is scheduled to be conducted on the body of the deceased.
Investigations into the matter is ongoing.