Where do you go to find SVG legislation? There is currently no single place online where all SVG laws are available online for free public use.
Legislation is available in hard copies at the public library and through the purchase of 3rd party online platforms. However, going to public places during this current pandemic has proven to be untenable. Seafarers who, normally, spend long periods at sea, may not be in a position to access these laws as well as the superfluous cost for 3rd party platforms even for the average Vincentian.
The Laws of St Vincent and the Grenadines that relate to the Maritime sector have been placed online by the SVG Seafarers Group. This is purely for educational purposes and to increase awareness of seafarer rights and responsibilities.
The Seafarer Association wishes that seafarers can become more engaged in seeking out information and advice regarding their job conditions, wages, personal injury, minimum requirements and related issues of ship life.
Knowledge and education of the law is important to protect and prevent yourself from enduring illegal and unlawful working conditions, protecting your finances and at the very least knowing when you need to ask for help.
Seafarers and any member of the public is able to go to the www.svgseafarers.com website and select the “SVG Maritime Laws” option to view or download the legislation free of charge. More legislation will be added when it becomes available.
Seafarers or members of the public who have comments, suggestion, wish to request copies of laws not listed or other legal inquiries may reach out to Attorney Chevanev Charles on the website form or emailing [email protected] or WhatsApp +17845285580.
Mr. Charles will ensure your views are reflected in future stakeholder meetings to which the SVG Seafarers Group will participate. Seafarer members in the future will be asked to contribute to stakeholder questionnaires and surveys on various seafaring issues.
SVG Seafarers Group wishes to note that this is in no way an official source of legislation but a relatively small space for learning and understanding a particular area of law. If a member of the public wishes to have a copy of a particular piece of legislation not listed or a question of law then the SVG Seafarers Group will assist and will refer them to Senior Attorneys who can effectively assist. Socrates wrote words to the effect that there is only one good which is to acquire knowledge and one true evil which is to remain unaware.
Chevanev Charles is an Attorney practicing in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Director of SVG Seafarers Group.