St. Vincent government Senator Shackell Bobb continues to face criticism over remarks she made about the National Youth Council, which many Vincentians consider disparaging.
In an interview with the St. Vincent Times, former NYC President Michael Johnson conveyed his disgust and disappointment regarding Bobb’s statements, adding that her words brought tears to his eyes.
During her contribution to the 2025 budget debate, the senator said, “If you have an exceptional council, such as the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Youth, why dwell on a National Youth Council that has proven unsuccessful?”
“She said that ‘from what she heard, the National Youth Council has proven to be unsuccessful, time and time again,’ and you know I forgive her. Because she is sitting among past executive members of the NYC and none of them said nothing to defend the organization that helped to shaped their lives into what they are today, representing the nation at its highest level”.
“It’s a shame that she has to make such a statement, because the NYC was only unsuccessful under the political party that she proudly represents”, Johnson stated
Sitting on Bobb’s side of the house was Curtis King, the Minister of Education; former NYC President, Frederick Stephenson, Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Chairman of Conference; and St. Clair Jimmy Prince, Minister of Health, another executive member, while sitting on the Opposition Benches is Isreal Bruce, Johnson said.
“Others outside of parliament take pride in their names and achievements in society. These individuals include Esworth ‘Ezzie’ Roberts, who currently serves as the acting manager of the CDC; Corletha Ollivierre, the manager at Searchlight Newspaper; Theresa Daniel, a reputable consultant; and Dr. Kenneth John, a man of blessed memory. Former President of NYC: Jerry Scott both former parliamentarians. Arthur Bobb, Colville King, Asram Soleyn, and Andrew Simmons. We also had Joel Abraham and Dwight ‘Bing’ Joseph. So are you calling all those men and women unsuccessful?, Johnson opined.
Johnson told St Vincent Times that the government, of which Bobb is a part, refused to support or sanction the establishment of the National Youth Parliament and to recognise the National Youth Policy, which came from the bowels of the youth of the nation and who fought for the first national hero to be named in SVG.
“The NYC, on a quarterly basis, received $1100 from your government, making it $4400 per year to do work for the nation’s youth. Now you have your youth elite, arms around the country in an advisory council to the PM, and $250,000 to work with the year. So yeah, we became unsuccessful under the ULP government, which stifled the esteemed organisation that represented SVG at its highest level,” Johnson stated.
Johnson said the NYC received support from the ULP youth arm in previous years but not from the Prime Minister. The government established the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Youth in October 2023.