Tonight, the following awards will be delivered in for outstanding work in 2018.
- Moreen King-Anthony Award to Renitta Peters-Morris for academic excellence in 2018. Obtaining a master’s degree and has expressed her zeal to be on the journey to a PHD. A brilliant mind making waves and a powerful young woman in SVG.
- Leon Andrews Award to O’Mark Andrews. A past National Scholar and now qualified medical doctor. A second instance where a nurse as a mother has produced a child to become a medical doctor in Diamond Village. Nurse Ince produced a doctor and now Gail Andrews.
- Montgomery King Award to Stevorn Cupid for acadmic excellence. We wish her all the very best as she moves to greater heights. Quiet but dedicated, she continues to excellent with students.
- Solomon Butler Award to Saviola Blake for outstanding performance in Sports. A Grammar School student and captain of SVG national junior soccer team. We must support him to become the first person from Diamond Village to secure a permanent place on the Senior national soccer team.
- Oscar Allen Award to Denniston Douglas for outstanding community service in 2018. Denniston Douglas has served as a teacher, farmer, community activist, in trade Union mobilization of teachers, worked with heritage tourism, co-operative development and general efforts for the upliftment of the working people.
- Earlene Horne Award to Hannah Harry for outstanding Leadership as Headmistress of the Diamond Government School.
We are proud to have a home-grown leader of our school and she is doing an excellent job, all the best in CPEA 2019!!!