Employment enables people to provide for themselves and support their families and households. For poor and low-income households, getting a job is a crucial step toward financial freedom and a better quality of life.
Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre and the government are shaping policies that enable robust private sector expansion for increased job creation so more Saint Lucians can attain financial freedom from good-paying jobs.
The latest quarterly employment report from the Central Statistical Office confirms the job market got off to a historic start this year.
Saint Lucia recorded the lowest unemployment rate for the 1st Quarter in over 15 years! 1st Quarter unemployment averaged 11.4% between January and March 2024. That’s down from 13.6% in the previous 4th Quarter.
Since July 2021, the government has implemented trailblazing initiatives like the Youth Economy Agency, MSME Loan-Grant Facility and Community Tourism Agency to provide direct support to local entrepreneurs to help grow their businesses.
A range of targeted government policies like VAT amnesties, tax reforms, business incentives and a surge in foreign direct investment under Prime Minister Pierre’s leadership continues to drive down unemployment and inspire economic growth.