SVG to zero butternut squash imports
The Ministry of Agriculture of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in a release, has noted that from March 1, 2023, it will be zeroing the importation of butternut squash for the months of March, April and May. This is as a result of a significant increase in the local supply of butternut squash.
Butternut squash was introduced as a diversification commodity in 2018. Several producers have increased their production and are consistent in quality and quantities.
SVG is a signatory to the Caricom 25 x 25 plan to reduce the region’s food import bill by 25% by 2025.
Hon. Saboto Caesar noted that while a 25% reduction on the overall food import bill is a very ambitious target, that for some commodities the island can become self sufficient. He pointed to the strides made over the years to improve local pork production. “It is not difficult, but we have to apply the commodity approach and work hard and smart at it”, stated Minister Caesar.
Chief Agriculture Officer of SVG, Mr. Renato Gumbs visited and commended Luke Lavia a major producer of butternut squash, who already has 1500lbs of squash in storage and plans to continue to reap monthly (contact # 17845936065).
The Ministry of Agriculture has an excellent relationship with food importers and applauds the work of food importers in supporting the ongoing “buy local campaign”. The Ministry further commends supermarkets which are labelling commodities based on their origin, which gives shoppers the ability to see and support goods produced locally.
The Ministry of Agriculture will be making several announcements throughout the year to inform food importers of the supply of locally produced commodities leading to the zeroing of the importation of those commodities whenever local supplies surpass the country’s demand.
Butternut squash is being bought from farmers for between $2.00 – $3.00 per pound and is retailed in some supermarkets for as high as $8.00 per pound.
The Ministry will be publishing at the end of February a cost of production manual to assist farmers in properly calculating the cost of production for all commodities produced in SVG.
The national consultation with farmers continues in the month of March.