Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves is adamant that Government will acquire Balliceaux in the interest of its historical importance to this country.
Speaking on NBC Radio today, Gonsalves said though there have been some delays, he is ensuring all the necessary checks and balances are in place for the acquisition to be made.
“The commitment is absolutely there for us to have Balliceaux as a memorial for our ancestors who died there, those who suffered there and is something I feel very strongly about, is a noise in me blood, is an echo in me bone and the Government and I, we are determined to have this put right”, said Gonsalves
The Government said no more Alien Landholding License will be issued for the island and are in discussions with the family who claims ownership of the island since the 1920’s.
Over 5 thousand Garifuna and Kalinago were taken to Balliceaux and over 2 thousand died there in 1795.