- NDP Representatives visit various Sites Highlighting the Four Pillars of the Economy
On Tuesday 6th February 2024, members of the NDP went on our ‘Four Pillars Tour.’ The members visited key sites across the country and highlighted the need for a focus on the four pillars of the economy: agriculture, tourism, blue economy and the new economy.
In statements on radio earlier in the week, both President of the NDP Dr. Godwin Friday and MP for East Kingstown Dwight Fitzgerald Bramble articulated the party’s plan to grow the economy and to address what they call a triple crisis of high unemployment, low wages and poor economic growth.
The NDP believes that by growing all four pillars of the economy, it can build a bigger and more vibrant economy, creating thousands of new jobs, higher wages and reach every part of the country.
As part of the tour, Party President the Honourable Dr Godwin Friday, Member for Southern Grenadines the Honourable Terrence Ollivierre, candidate for East St. George Laverne Velox and General Secretary of the NDP Mr Brenton Smith visited the Kingstown cruise ship berth, the Belmont LookOut and Montreal Garden to highlight the need for further strengthening of our tourism sector.
Senator Shevern John, Senator Israel Bruce, Chieftain Neptune and Bernard Wylie visited farmers in Grieggs and the government’s failed Greenhouse project at Montreal to highlight the need for more investment in and attention to agriculture.
Dr. Friday, MP Bramble, caretakers Laverne Velox and Kay Bacchus Baptiste and party General Secretary Mr. Brenton Smith visited the well known cultural centre, Peace Memorial Hall, to highlight the need for greater investment in culture and heritage and emphasize their potential as economic activity.
Meanwhile, Member for Central Kingstown the Honourable Major Leacock, South Leeward MP the Honourable Nigel Stephenson and new NDP candidate for South Windward Mr Andrew John visited fisherfolk in Clare Valley and Lowmans Bay to reinforce the need for more support for the fishing sector.
Speaking about the various site visits, Dr Friday said “This is a really exciting undertaking for us, with the NDP getting out and meeting working people across the country who contribute to the productive sectors. We owe it to them to recognize their hard work and to support them as we build a sustainable and vibrant economy that benefits everyone”.