Members of the Public Service Union (PSU) will, soon be going to the polls to elect a new executive committee to run the affairs of the Union over the 2024 to 2026 biennium. The elections will be held over the two-day period, Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th April 2024.
The nomination process closes on Friday 5th April.
Voting will take place at the workplace – that is, the various Ministries and Departments and also at statutory bodies where the Union is recognized as the bargaining agent for workers.
Chair of the Nominations Committee, Mr. Harvey Farrell, says that this is the third election that will be conducted at the workplace, since a resolution was passed at the 75th AGM of the Union (19th September 2018), thus replacing the traditional voting system of having election as part of the AGM.
Mr. Farrell went on to say that the crafters of the resolution envisioned wider participation in the election and a deepening of the democratic process. In honour of the crafters of the resolution, Mr. Farrell says, he is therefore appealing to members to become more actively involved in the affairs of the Union, and he stated that one of the ways of doing so, is for members to get involved in the upcoming election process.