Cloudy and hazy conditions are forecast for the remainder of the day with the chance of a few isolated showers by evening/night as weak instability affects the islands.
Saharan dust should limit shower activity during Saturday, but as Saturday progresses an increase in moisture is expected, as the first tropical wave affects mainly the Grenadine islands. Showers and thunderstorms are possible overnight.
The highest chance of widespread showers and thunderstorms is forecast from Sunday into Monday as the second wave affects the island.
Model guidance is indicating approximately 2 inches of rainfall during the 3 days period.
Gentle to moderate (15km/h-25km/h) wind speeds are expected to increase around Monday, allowing for strong breeze, especially near showers, resulting in slight effort in maintaining balance against the wind.
Model guidance suggest 30km/h-45km/h. Winds will blow from the east south east (ESE).
Seas will be slight to moderate in open waters with swells ranging between 1.0m-2.0m. A gradual deterioration is expected with increase wind speeds due to instability as Monday progresses. Small craft operators are asked to exercise caution.