Drake Baptiste, a Vincentian national currently residing in St. Kitts, is appealing for public assistance as he undergoes rehabilitation following a significant accident in Nevis that has resulted in impairments to his cognitive faculties, manual dexterity, lower extremities, and other bodily functions.
Baptiste, a 28-year-old individual hailing from Sandy Bay, was engaged in a vehicular collision on October 7th, occurring approximately about 2 a.m on Nevis.
“My life underwent an unforeseen change. Baptiste experienced a significant vehicular collision in Nevis, resulting in injuries to many anatomical regions including the head, lungs, wrist, and lower extremities”, According to a GoFundMe campaign established by Shondria Wilson.
Baptiste is encouraging his fellow Vincentians to make contributions to the GoFundMe platform in order to assist him in alleviating a portion of his medical expenses.
Baptiste is endeavouring to secure a sum of USD $28,000 in order to meet the financial obligations associated with medical expenses and the necessary therapy required for recuperation.
You can make your contribution at GoFundme.